
On my blog and socials, I rate things in flowers rather than stars. As a Floromancer, I think this fits more with who I am. Plus, it's just a bit more unique, you know? 💗🌺

1 Flower: Did Not Finish 🌺

I do not give full reviews to things that I deem 1 flower. Why? Because 1 star means I disliked something to the point that I didn’t finish it. So, instead of a full review, a 1 flower rating gets something assigned to the DNF (did not finish) files. Every few months, when enough non-completed things stack up, I’ll make a post highlighting stuff that I watched and did not complete. I do this for several reasons:

1) I cannot, in good conscience, give a full review of something I did not fully watch.

2) I want people to be aware that I tried to watch a show so they don’t keep asking me to review something I’ve tried and that has not worked for me.

3) Despite my own view on whatever it is that is listed in the DNF Files, I want people to be aware of the shows I don’t care for just as much as the ones I love. Because something working or not working for me does not, of itself, guarantee that the same show is or isn’t going to work for you. 

4) While I don’t want to put something “on blast”, I do want to record why I did or didn’t like it so that I can continue to establish and hone my own tastes and preferences. 

2 Flowers: Disappointed ðŸŒºðŸŒº

A 2 flower rating is reserved for a show that I completed but that, for one of several reasons, had massive problems that would make it a skip for me if I could turn back time and talk to myself. Things that could justify giving a show two flowers include massive plot screw ups like holes, deus ex machina, ‘it was all a dream’, or other personal pet peeves; characters who have a massive flaw that makes me wanna knock their heads together; shifts in storytelling that break established rules in a way that is meant to make the viewer seem stupid, and many more.

3 Flowers: Good ðŸŒºðŸŒºðŸŒº

This is where every show starts and where the vast majority will end up. A 3 flower show is a show that I generally enjoyed watching. It likely has a quirk here or there, but nothing that would make me go, “Well, I’m definitely not watching the next season of this.”. The problem, of course, is that it also doesn’t have me itching to watch that next season, either. If you grew up watching American Idol and liked Randy, this is a show that’s ‘a’ight”. It’s vanilla and could have done with something to make it really stand out.

4 Flowers: Great! ðŸŒºðŸŒºðŸŒºðŸŒº

This is a rock solid show that I would recommend without hesitation. It’s not quite the Best of the Best, but it’s some damn fine entertainment that I’d be confident in recommending to people who like the genre, themes and tropes that it contains. It’s likely getting a 4 flower rating because it’s not neutral enough for 3 flowers, but also doesn’t quite have that extra level of polish or connection that I require to give something 5 flowers. A 4 flower show likely has some key element, like characterization, plot, costume design, atmosphere, or sound, that I feel is a cut above its competition. But not everything is at that highest of high levels.

5 Flowers: Awesome! ðŸŒºðŸŒºðŸŒºðŸŒºðŸŒº

A show that gets 5 flowers from me is a show that, in my opinion, highlights all of the best qualities of the genre, themes, and tropes that it is trying to use to tell a story. The cast is stellar and draws me in, the plot knows when to pick up the pace and when to back off, things like music, art design, and lighting are used in specific situations to enhance the kind of story that those who made this are trying to tell. A 5 flower show is the kind of experience where I want to race around the internet telling people to run, not walk, to whatever site is hosting the show so they can watch it immediately! 

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